Marta Sanz
Marta Sanz
Marta Sanz is an award-winning novelist, poet, essayist, and scholar, and one of Spain’s most celebrated contemporary writers. With a literary career spanning more than two decades, she has published fifteen novels and essay collections, including Los mejores tiempos (Debate, 2001), winner of the Ojo Crítico Prize for Fiction; Animales domésticos (Destino, 2003); and Susana y los viejos (Destino, 2006), which was a finalist for the 2006 Nadal Prize. Her recent works include Farándula (2015); Círculo de lectores (2016), winner of the Herralde Prize for the Novel; Clavícula (2017); and Pequeñas mujeres rojas (2020), a crime novel that appeals to collective memory, all published by Anagrama. Sanz holds a PhD in philology and is a critic for the El País literary supplement and for the magazine Mercurio. She was editor-in-chief of the cultural magazine Ni hablar and wrote for periodical publications like ABC and Viento Sur. Incredibly, while she has been published broadly in the Spanish-language world, My Clavicle marks her debut in English language translation. My Clavicle will be published simultaneously in the United Kingdom by Akoya Press.
by Marta Sanz
translated by: Katie King
Published: July 29, 2025
ISBN: 9781961884502
Hardcover $28.00