Marta Sanz

Marta Sanz


Marta Sanz is an award-winning novelist, poet, essayist, and scholar, and one of Spain’s most celebrated contemporary writers. With a literary career spanning more than two decades, she has published fifteen novels and essay collections, including Los mejores tiempos (Debate, 2001), winner of the Ojo Crítico Prize for Fiction; Animales domésticos (Destino, 2003); and Susana y los viejos (Destino, 2006), which was a finalist for the 2006 Nadal Prize. Her recent works include Farándula (2015); Círculo de lectores (2016), winner of the Herralde Prize for the Novel; Clavícula (2017); and Pequeñas mujeres rojas (2020), a crime novel that appeals to collective memory, all published by Anagrama. Sanz holds a PhD in philology and is a critic for the El País literary supplement and for the magazine Mercurio. She was editor-in-chief of the cultural magazine Ni hablar and wrote for periodical publications like ABC and Viento Sur. Incredibly, while she has been published broadly in the Spanish-language world, My Clavicle marks her debut in English language translation. My Clavicle will be published simultaneously in the United Kingdom by Akoya Press.

Books by Marta Sanz


John Shannon


John Mason